The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,<br />
Series "Economics" The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,
Series "Economics"
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#3 / 2020

Regional Economy

  • Vodozhdokova Z.A., Kurmalieva Z.Kh., Gisheva S.Sh.
    Development of bioeconomy within the framework of strategic cluster initiatives in the timber industry complex of the region

    The world tendencies in bioeconomy dominated by renewable energy sources are considered, the Russian tendencies of biofuel production are investigated and the main significant positive and negative factors are identified. A theoretical assessment and economic substantiation of the feasibility of the production of wood pellets as the most promising way of processing forest waste in the region are given. Possible conceptual proposals for improving the efficient production of pellets have been developed. The concept of increasing the efficiency of companies' activity on the basis of a set of measures to modernize production and improve technology, quality management system was recommended; optimization of the accounting and analytical system, controlling; financial monitoring, analysis of external risks; improving the facilitating institutions of regional governance; development of the forestry cluster as a component of the regional cluster system. Based on the results of the study, the prospects and efficiency of pellet production were substantiated only under the condition of an integrated approach, using the proposed conceptual directions. The possibilities of effective use of secondary resources of the forest complex of the Republic of Adygea substantiate the priority of the energy and environmental vector of the strategic development of the forest potential of the region within the framework of cluster initiatives.

    pdf 15-22.pdf  (393 Kb)

  • Tausova I.F., Divina L.E., Ponokova D.I.
    Dynamics of changes in the amount of borrowed capital and its role in assessing the investment attractiveness of the country and region (on the example of the Republic of Adygea)

    In the modern world, a situation of lack of funds is quite common, and it is investments that help to attract additional resources. The basic criteria for determining the investment attractiveness of a country, region or organization are sources of funding. The article reveals interesting patterns in the dynamics of changes in the amount of borrowed capital and the investment attractiveness of the Republic of Adygea as a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the period from 2015-2019. The general analysis showed the high importance of borrowed resources for the real sector of the region. Of particular interest is the considered indicator of the ratio of interest paid on loans and borrowings to the net profit of enterprises, which emphasizes the economic injustice of the lending model. Remaining a subsidized region, the Republic of Adygea continues to increase the share of budgetary funds in the structure of invested capital, which indicates the presence of serious problems and imbalances. However, the article defines possible directions in ensuring the self-sufficiency of the region and the implementation of the basic scenario of the socio-economic development of the republic.

    pdf 23-30.pdf  (248 Kb)

  • Tlekhuray-Berzegova L.T., Byuller E.A.
    Current problems of creating a comprehensive system for planning the region's needs for HR specialists (on the example of the Republic of Adygea)

    Currently, in all regions of Russia, there is a problem of the quality of the labor force, as well as optimal provision of the economy with young highly qualified specialists. This is due to the fact that during the long transition to a market system of management and the creation of a corresponding labor market, global changes have occurred in the structure of employment and in the demand for certain categories of workers. Today in Russia there is an acute problem of training qualified managers who are able to work effectively with the staff. This article is devoted to the study of the structure of demand for HR specialists in the Republic of Adygea. As a research method, content analysis was used, which is an effective tool for quantitative analysis of information about a phenomenon or process contained in documents. Regional periodicals and Internet resources were selected as the basis of the research. Based on the results of the analytical study, we can make a reasonable conclusion that the data obtained indicate the need to use various methods, including content analysis, when studying the structure of demand for certain types of activities, which can be used in the future to adjust educational and state programs.

    pdf 31-36.pdf  (177 Kb)

    Economy of Agrarian-Industrial Complex

  • Isaenko A.P.
    Evaluation of the development of vine and wine growing in Russia

    This article assesses the current state of domestic viticulture and winemaking, analyzes changes in the area of grape plantations in Russia in dynamics for 2013-2018, which characterizes the functioning of the viticulture and wine subcomplex in Russia and abroad. The relevance of science's participation in the formation of state policy in the field of management of the viticultural subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex is shown. The article presents the competitive dynamics of viticulture in the world and domestic markets. The yield of grapes in Russia is analyzed, which indicates a good level of agricultural technology and plant protection.

    pdf 37-43.pdf  (307 Kb)

  • Mokrushin A.A., Rychkovskaya D.N.
    Strategic priorities of state regulation for the agro-industrial complex of the depressed region

    The article reveals the essence and specificity of state regulation of the agro-industrial complex of the region of the depressive type. The strategic priorities of the socio-economic development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Adygea, which is one of the regions of the depressive type in the South of Russia, are presented. The tasks and organizational and economic measures for the implementation of key directions for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Adygea (in accordance with the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Republic of Adygea until 2030) are highlighted. The territorial and sectoral specifics and problems of state regulation of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Adygea are revealed. Particular attention is paid to the composition of measures of the state program of the Republic of Adygea “Development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013-2020”, assessment of the achievement of planned values of the summary indicators of the program. The potential of regional projects, cluster structures in the socio-economic development of the agro-industrial complex of the region of the depressive type is revealed. The key directions of improving the system of state regulation of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Adygea in the conditions of the region's budget deficit and the current food embargo are highlighted.

    pdf 44-55.pdf  (338 Kb)

  • Popova L.V., Dugina T.A., Karpova A.A., Dosova A.G.
    Logistical management problems in agro-industrial complex

    In the course of the study, the article considers the role, place and significance of logistics management in agriculture, identifies the features of agricultural logistics and logistics management in the activities of modern enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. Based on theoretical generalizations and research on the practical experience of the functioning of agricultural enterprises in Russia and the Volgograd region, the main problems of the widespread introduction of logistics principles into the activities of agricultural producers are identified, ways of increasing the efficiency of agricultural production based on the interaction of the main logistic components of material flow management are considered.

    pdf 56-64.pdf  (165 Kb)


  • Anisimova S.V.
    Optimization of the system structure of gas distribution organizations: internal analysis

    The mechanism for managing gas distribution organizations in the Russian Federation is developing and becoming more complex as the gas industry develops. The characteristic features of the domestic economy are a certain disproportion between the real and financial segments of the economy, the disproportion in the levels of income of the population and the socio-economic development of the regions. The multilevel imbalance of the Russian economy influences the existing mechanisms of managing gas distribution organizations. These organizations supply gas to enterprises and the population of the country. Most of such organizations in Russia are subjects of natural monopolies. Important aspects of the economic activity of resource-supplying organizations are inter-period, territorial and sectoral imbalance of internal and external subsystems, the lack of sustainable development in the long term, state regulation of activities. The article studies the influence of the socio-economic development of regions on the formation of an organization management mechanism. The article deals with the problems of optimizing the system structure of in-house subsystems by identifying imbalances on the example of gas distribution organizations. The article presents proposals for improving the management mechanism of gas distribution organizations based on the criterion of balancing the system structure.

    pdf 83-93.pdf  (402 Kb)


  • Myasnikova T.A., Ivanova O.D., Tamova M.K.
    Investors as a key factor in the development of the housing market

    The article is devoted to the role of investors as a key factor influencing the functioning and development of the housing market, the ways of their influence on local housing markets are shown. The result of this research is an analysis of the advantages of investors in shaping the local economy and the housing market as a whole. The study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the housing market made it possible to comprehensively consider the interaction of the most important economic agents that ensure the consistent development of this market. The study of investment processes in the development of the housing market, the features of its structure and infrastructure allowed us to note that the housing market in Russia is developing in conditions of a serious shortage of the necessary legal, institutional and economic conditions for its civilized formation. Compared to other markets, this sector has developed to a certain extent partly in semi-legal forms. The use of new financial institutions and instruments in the housing market will contribute to more effective regulation of its development processes.

    pdf 101-107.pdf  (163 Kb)


  • Pshikanokova N.I., Kuyek Z.N., Pshikanokova N.D.
    Local government collisions in a situation of economic instability

    The paper explores the role of municipalities in achieving sustainable socio-economic development goals in problem regions. The mechanism of achieving set objectives is complicated by the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic. This circumstance necessitates clear coordination of corrective actions of the entire structure of state authorities and society as a whole. The article notes the negative impact of the pandemic on the development of regions and their territorial entities due to quarantine measures and, as a consequence, aggravation of collisions of the management system at the meso level. Problem regions with mono-profile and low resource potential, with a high degree of uncertainty, need to develop specific measures aimed at sustainable subregional development.

    pdf 65-70.pdf  (120 Kb)

  • Khatukay S.A., Babalyan E.B., Tamov K.A.
    Program-target approach to solving problems of socio-economic development of the municipality

    The article considers the essence of the program-target approach as one of the main tools for implementing qualitative changes in the socio-economic situation at the state, regional and municipal levels. The main economic results of using the program-target approach in the management of socio-economic development of municipalities are determined. To assess the effectiveness of the program-target approach in solving problems of socio-economic development of the municipality “Maikop district” an analysis of the current municipal programs, the degree of achievement of planned activities from these programs, determine the level of effectiveness of their implementation. The conclusion is made about the importance of this tool in ensuring the growth of the competitiveness of the municipality and its sustainable socio-economic development.

    pdf 71-82.pdf  (420 Kb)

    Recreation and Tourism

  • Tamov A.A., Ilyasova E.V., Krylova E.M.
    Development of rural tourism in the context of quarantine measures

    The article deals with issues related to the development of rural tourism in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. Rural tourism is seen as a driver of rural development, stimulating the development of private farms, increasing the demand for natural agricultural products, contributing to the creation of new jobs, as well as influencing the preservation and development of folk crafts, culture and identity, which, in turn, leads to the solution of many socio-economic problems of rural residents. The article highlights trends that will contribute to the development of rural tourism in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as options for developing tourism in rural areas, the project approach is highlighted as a priority. The main stages and mechanisms of rural tourism development in the region are highlighted, which are based on the joint active work of entrepreneurs, government and non-profit organizations.

    pdf 119-124.pdf  (123 Kb)

  • Tamov A.A., Khatukay S.A., Babalyan E.B.
    Problems of development of the tourism industry in the context of the spread of a new coronavirus infection

    In 2020, the tourism industry in almost all countries, including Russia, was severely hit by the spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19). The Russian tourism industry has not experienced such a severe crisis since the 40s of the 20th century, which at that time was caused by the outbreak of World War II. The rapid spread of the new coronavirus infection, the closure of borders, the introduction of restrictive measures and a self-isolation regime throughout the country-all this had a serious impact on the state and further development of the tourism business. This article examines the current state of the tourism industry in Russia, identifies its contribution to the socio-economic development of the country. The problems of the development of the tourism industry in the context of the spread of a new coronavirus infection and the main measures of state support for tourism aimed at overcoming the consequences of the pandemic are identified.

    pdf 125-132.pdf  (373 Kb)


  • Vodozhdokova Z.A., Khuazheva A.Sh., Shaldokhina S.Yu.
    Conceptual approach to managing financial stability and ensuring financial security of road transport organizations

    The article discusses the theoretical aspects of the essence of the financial stability of road transport organizations in conditions of economic instability, the importance of managing financial stability and ensuring financial security. The main trends in the development of the industry, factors and problems of the main industry features of the financial condition of motor transport organizations have been studied. As part of the strategic directions for the development of the transport industry, the need was identified to develop methodological provisions, tools and clarifications of the existing methods for diagnosing the financial condition, allowing to prevent the crisis state of transport organizations when the first signs appear, and to prevent the economic bankruptcy of organizations in this industry in modern conditions. The necessity of improving methods of managing financial stability and ensuring financial security of motor transport organizations, taking into account the conceptual approach, in dynamic economic conditions has been substantiated. An effective concept for managing the financial stability of road transport organizations has been developed to prevent crisis conditions and successful development, including assessment of the market and external risks, monitoring and assessment of fixed assets, monitoring and assessment of the financial condition, internal financial control, and a mechanism for ensuring the financial security of road transport organizations in modern crisis conditions.

    pdf 108-118.pdf  (461 Kb)


  • Shcherbatova T.A., Shcherbatov I.V., Tamova M.K.
    On the issue of involving unused agricultural land in the turnover

    On the basis of a retrospective analysis of the reform of land relations, trends in the change in the areas of agricultural land in the Russian Federation, Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea, as well as factors of irrational use of productive lands, are revealed. This made it possible to conclude that it is necessary to improve land management measures when unused, irrationally used or used agricultural land is not used for its intended purpose. An algorithm for their implementation with the specification of parameters and standard characteristics at each stage is presented. The special importance of economic indicators of involvement in economic circulation of land plots is emphasized, which is confirmed by calculations on the example of LLC “Adyghe Scientific and Technical Center for Rice”.

    pdf 94-100.pdf  (181 Kb)