The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,<br />
Series "Economics" The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,
Series "Economics"
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#1 / 2020

Regional Economy

  • Gorelova G.V., Momot Ì.Î., Rakitina M.S.
    Imitation modeling of the processes of socio-economic development of the region depending on the degree of development of the territory

    The article discusses the features of the development of complex socio-economic systems from the point of view of development of the territory. Cognitive simulation was used to gain new knowledge about the system in conditions of incomplete information and poor structure of its problems. The study provides an understanding that the territory is the basic basis of the life of society; the development of the territory consists in the inclusion in the national economy of new natural territories; development is characterized by the spread of productive forces, which lead to structural changes in the socio-economic-geographical space. When studying the degree of development of the territory, attention was focused not only on the territorial organization of production and infrastructure development of the territory, but also on human capital, human potential, historical, cultural, and other social factors. All this formed the basis for the development of a hierarchical cognitive model that reflects the structure of causal relationships between the objects of the socio-economic system at the regional and national levels. At the stage of developing the hierarchical cognitive model, causal analysis was used. At the stage of the study of the cognitive model, an analysis was made of its structural properties and stability, reflecting the properties of regional socio-economic systems. The results obtained showed that the properties of the cognitive model do not contradict the properties of the real system. The impulse modeling carried out below on the model made it possible to identify several possible scenarios for the development of the system with changes in internal and external factors. All this determined the novelty of the study. The obtained results of cognitive simulation are practically useful in the development and justification of strategies for the development of territories.

    pdf 15-27.pdf  (728 Kb)

  • Tamov A.A., Getmantsev K.V., Tamova M.K.
    The role of modern agglomerations in development economic space of the region

    The article deals with issues related to assessing the potential of large urban agglomerations to attract economic and other types of resources to the regional economic system and create economic development impulses for the entire region. Using the example of the Krasnodar urban agglomeration, the authors explore the place and role of agglomeration in the modern economic development of a large southern region of the country – the Krasnodar territory. From a practical point of view, the study aimed at identifying new growth points and development resources of regional Economics explains the spatial aspects of regional economic development in the zones of influence of Metropolitan areas, which is extremely important in the ongoing inquiry on the part of regional administrations to find new resources of economic development.

    pdf 28-37.pdf  (194 Kb)

  • Tretyakova L.A., Azarova N.A., Nebesnaya A.Yu.
    Analysis of trends in employment of human capital in the regional economy

    Due to the fact that forecasting of economic development of the region is directly determined by the employment of human capital, of particular relevance is research into the development of employment of human capital in creating a socially useful product in the regional economy. The subject of the research is the analysis of socio-economic trends that determine the regularities of the process of formation of employment of human capital in the economy of regions. The study identified the reasons for the growth of employment in the economy of regions, which are due to the influence of economic reasons related to the standard of living and its dynamics. The purpose of the research is to provide theoretical justification and systematization of scientific and methodological approaches to analyzing trends in the employment of human capital in the regional economy. The objectives of the study are: trends in the number of employment in the regions, identification of the specific weight of employed population in total population, the real disposable income of population and employment in the economy. Trend analysis of employment of human capital will allow to justify the population dynamics of economically active population and the reasons for the growth of employment in the regional economy and to examine trends in the reduction of real disposable money incomes of the population, what will be the prerequisites for the use of human capital in creating a socially useful product.

    pdf 38-46.pdf  (220 Kb)

  • Shatalova O.I., Mukhoryanova O.A., Lebedeva E.P., Torishny Î.À.
    Improvement of state regulation of innovation activity in the Stavropol territory

    The article deals with practical aspects of the formation of state innovation policy at the regional level; identifies global trends in innovative development in various countries; considers the prospects for introducing innovations into the industrial cluster of the Russian Federation; studies Federal and regional legal documents regulating economic and innovative development in the Stavropol territory; presents the main opportunities of the region in terms of building innovative potential; prospects and drivers of innovative activity development in the Stavropol territory are defined. The article presents the structure of the new strategy for the development of innovation in the Stavropol territory until 2025; measures have been developed to stimulate the states innovative activity of enterprises in the Stavropol territory, which will create the necessary conditions for increasing the innovative potential of the region by providing the necessary economic, social, legal, technical and organizational conditions.

    pdf 47-56.pdf  (291 Kb)


  • Kretova A.Yu.
    Administrative approach to assessing the efficiency of the enterprise

    The works of leading domestic and foreign scientists on the issues of evaluating the effectiveness of the enterprise are studied. The well-known methods and methods of evaluating the effectiveness of an enterprise from the perspective of a managerial approach are analyzed. The analysis of existing methods of management approach to assessing the effectiveness of the enterprise showed their diversity and inconsistency. It is revealed that among the analyzed methods of management approach, each has both advantages and disadvantages that affect the degree of their practical application, which does not allow us to consider the effectiveness of the enterprise as a complex category. The proposed development of more sophisticated procedures for evaluating the performance of companies based on a model that takes into account the effectiveness of the current activities (results of activities of the enterprise and its functional components and potential), the balance of interests of groups of actors external and internal environment, the degree of implementation of internal and external capabilities of the enterprise.

    pdf 65-74.pdf  (230 Kb)


  • Rodin A.V., Tamov A.A., Babichev K.N.
    Digital the value of a digital product as a resource for sustainable economic development

    The article examines the currently active digitalization of economic and social sectors, assesses the state and prospects of digital transformation in Russia and the world, and examines approaches to defining the concept of digital value in the digital economy. Identification of digital value generation factors that provide competitive advantages is proposed, and a methodological approach to determining the digital value creation chain is justified. The need to determine not only the share of the digital economy in the gross domestic product of the country based on the added value of data only digital products of IT subjects, but also to assess the value of the digital value of a digital product in the implementation of competitive advantages formed in the process of digital transformation of economic and social sectors, as well as to obtain additional added value from the implementation of digital value generation factors along all the chains of its creation.

    pdf 75-83.pdf  (384 Kb)

  • Teshev V.A., Tesheva M.M., Shalatov V.V., Khasinova T.G.
    “Smart” city: basic concepts and development prospects

    The digitalization of the economy has become the most important trend in world development. The share of the digital economy in leading countries has recently grown to 10% of GDP and continues to grow. Such a benchmark is also outlined in Russia by 2024. Digitalization can and should become the basis for the modernization of the Russian economy, an important component of economic growth and development. One of the key areas of this process is the digitalization of the urban economy. The article discusses the development and implementation of the basic concepts and prospects for the development of a “smart” city in Russia, developed countries of Europe, Asia, America, as well as the use of accumulated experience to create a qualitatively new standard of living of the population with adequate improvement of approaches to municipal management.

    pdf 84-89.pdf  (127 Kb)

  • Teshev V.A., Shalatov V.V., Khasinova T.G.
    Features of building the digital economy in the Russian Federation: problems and ways to solve them

    The need to digitalize the economy is actively supported by the domestic and international business community, state and municipal authorities, and ordinary members of society. In the Russian Federation adopted and implemented the Strategy of information society development in the Russian Federation for 2017-2030, the Program of the “Digital economy of the Russian Federation”, which allocated five basic directions of development of the digital economy and other documents, and one can hardly deny the need of achievements of scientific-technical progress and the advantages of the digital economy. The article discusses the main directions of development of the digital economy in the Russian Federation and the opportunities that it can provide for implementation. The positive and negative consequences of the process of digitalization of the economy are highlighted.

    pdf 90-95.pdf  (127 Kb)


  • Khuazheva A.Sh., Ryabtsev N.V.
    The systemic nature of municipalities and its practical implementation in local government models

    The article is devoted to the disclosure of the essence of the municipality as an integral socio-economic system, the analysis of its subsystems, the most important characteristics, resource potential, basic principles of functioning. A comparative characteristic is given to the models of endowing municipal authorities with management functions used in world practice, as well as in the practice of organizing local government in the Russian Federation.

    pdf 57-64.pdf  (149 Kb)

    Recreation and Tourism

  • Abibulaeva N.S.
    Transport infrastructure as a strategic component of tourist-recreational clusters of the Republic of Crimea

    The article is devoted to the characteristics of the transport infrastructure of the Republic of Crimea as a component of its tourist and recreational clusters. Various types of transport are considered: road, air, rail and water. Their current state has been studied. The problems accompanying the development of the transport infrastructure of the region are analyzed. Ways to optimize the transport infrastructure of the Republic of Crimea are proposed in order to meet the needs of the Crimean economy and ensure the transportation of tourists to the main tourist regions. In addition, the attraction of various types of transport in the field of tourist services will effectively develop various types of tourist business, diversify the range of tourist services provided. The distribution of tourists by regions of the peninsula, namely in the zone of tourist and recreational clusters, has been investigated. The directions for improving the general policy in the field of transport are determined, contributing to the strengthening of the tourist potential of the Crimean region and interaction between the peninsula and the mainland of the Russian Federation.

    pdf 96-101.pdf  (210 Kb)

  • Khatit F.R., Poddubnaya T.N.
    Phototourism as a perspective direction of youth tourism and a factor of socio-economic development of the region (on the example of Krasnodar territory)

    The article reveals the problem of the social and economic development of the Krasnodar territory y using phototourism using the example of organizing a youth photo tour in the Apsheronsk district. Purpose of the study: to substantiate the possibilities of phototourism as a promising area of youth tourism and a factor in the development of socio-economic attractiveness of the Krasnodar territory. Research the study: to characterize phototourism and present a portrait of its potential consumer; to substantiate the prospects of using the natural and historical and cultural potential of the Krasnodar territory to develop a youth photo tour; offer an author's youth photo tour around the Apsheronsk district; to identify economic ways to promote youth phototourism as a factor in the development of the socio-economic attractiveness of the region. Research methods: analysis, design, computational and mathematical, forecasting. The results of the study: disclosed the essence of the photo tour, the categories of its consumers and the reasons for popularity among young people; developed project of youth photo tour “ApsheronskPhoto”; modern methods of promoting youth phototourism in the regional market are proposed; the possibility of phototourism as a promising area of youth tourism for the development of the socio-economic attractiveness of the region is substantiated. Key findings: photo tour is a special type of travel, in which amateur photographers in the company of like-minded people get to know new places, increasing the level of photographic skill and replenishing their personal portfolio with pictures; a potential portrait of a consumer of photo tours is presented by novice amateur and professional photographers; natural and historical-cultural sights of the Krasnodar territory have the potential to develop a youth photo tour, objects of interest for which can be a rich range of natural landscapes (forests, meadows, rivers and lakes, seas, mountains, natural monuments) and historical buildings, excavations, unique objects modern architecture; transport services, a master class in photo art, photo tours; effective ways to promote phototourism for young people in the regional market are advertising, fairs, exhibitions, public relations and non-advertising methods (personal selling through an agent, direct mailing of information to customers), as well as creating a Youtube channel, video content for the brand, developing a photo tourism blog.

    pdf 102-109.pdf  (138 Kb)