M.P. KhagurovaThe priority directions of development of the agrarian and industrial complex in the Adygheya Republic T.I. Afasizhev and V.A. TeshevMechanisms of financing researches at higher schools (based on experience of foreign universities) A.A. Kerashev and V.V. TeshevClassification of laws of development of commodity markets of consumers' cooperative society A.S. Buzarov and M.V. KuteevaSocial problems of the population against a background of reform of local self-management V.V. TeshevStrategy of increase in efficiency of activity for the consumers' cooperative society enterprises A.A. Kerashev and R.A. BaibekovaOrganizational and economic aspects of creation and effective functioning of vertically - integrated formations in the agrarian and industrial complex M.V. KuteevaProspects of realization of economic potential of municipal formation “The City of Maikop” (in conditions of reform of local self-management)
A.A. Kerashev, V.V. TeshevMethodical approaches to an estimation of steady development of the organizations of consumers' cooperative society E.N. ZakharovaAbout cognitive modelling of steady development of social and economic systems A.A. Kerashev, M.K. TamovaMethodical bases of the estimation of the region’s competitiveness as a factor of realization of its competitive advantages A.A. MokrushinA system of planning financial streams in corporate structures of agrarian sector of economy V.G. PiteevMarketing and its place in management of the organization’s competitiveness B.R. TuovaRegional economic strategy of the development of the innovational market by creation of a technical and ecological urban zone (technoecopolis) in the territory of Adygheya Republic A.U. UshkhoPrincipal bases of construction of models for development of regional social and economic systems A.Sh. KhuazhevaOrganizational – institutional model of management of regional agrarian and industrial complex on the basis of distinguishing economic clusters