A.A. KerashevPreconditions and target orientation of creation of a macroregional economic complex basing on the federal district of the Russian Federation A.S. KhuazhevaBasic aspects of steady development of regional economy V.G. PiteevMarketing of the new goods as an element of strategic management N.I. Pshikanokova, F.R. AzashikovaRegional features of modelling of the economy development strategy in the post-crisis period S.K. ChinazirovaModern strategy of the development of manufacturing S.H. YunaevImprovement of the mechanisms of state regulation in the agrarian and industrial complex A.A. MokrushinIntegrated structures and their role in strategic development of organization A.A. Kerashev, V.V. TeshevA macroregional economic complex and its specific distinctions E.R. PryadchenkoProblems of administering a student's contingent at higher school I.M. NapsoModelling of social-economic systems E.K. ByullerWork quota setting as the factor of effective strategic intracorporation planning M.G. Bolokova, R.T. ChetavEconomic-mathematical modelling of the mechanism of re-structuring of agricultural branch through an estimation of its resource potential M.Y. AliberdovInterdependence between the principles and contents of the elements of strategic and innovational management
A.A. Mokrushin and V.G. PiteevThe economic mechanism of exchange-distributive relations within the integrated agroindustrial corporations T.I. Afasizhev and V.A. TeshevMechanisms of additional financing higher educational institutions N.Y.MuguJustification of expediency for the de-velopment of a regional system of rural credit coopera-tion S.K. YakhutlThe formation of a labour market in conditions of the transitive economy of a region I.V.SugaipovaThe strategic account of the property at merges and connections M.G. Bolokova and R.T. ChetavA logistic system of the agricultural complex L.T.Tlekhuray-BerzegovaA strategic planning the industrial system indices
A.A. Kerashev, O.L. Starodub and A.V. BolovThe essence of a social and economic policy of the region in conditions of going out from transformational crisis I.V. SugaipovaThe technique of realization of the corporate property audit Y.Y. Antsyrev and A.S. KhuazhevaForeign experience in developing market ground relations, the basic problems of estimation of cost of agricultural ground in Russia T.V. ZhukovaDiversification of activity of economic systems in the competitive environment L.À. SergeevaSome features of formation and development of investment processes in the agrarian and industrial complex: a theoretical-methodological aspect Y.I. Tarasov and M.V. IvashchishinaThe essence of economic categories “a labour potential” and “employment”, their interrelation with labour resources I.F. BereshpolovaThe problems of the organization of the accounting and tax account of reserves of forthcoming expenditure using as an example a reserve for repair of the basic means N.Y. MuguStages of formation and development of the regional system of rural credit cooperation I.G. PanzhenskayaA technique of the account of transaction costs
S.A. DzybovaAnalysis and features of an infrastructure of the regional market. I.G. PanzhenskayaA technique of the account of transaction costs L.A. SergeevaThe state and prospects of development of investment activity in agrarian and industrial complex Y.Y. Antsyrev and A.S. KhuazhevaBasic theoretical and methodological questions of an estimation of the agricultural ground Y.I. Tarasov and S.K. YakhutlThe development of a system of social partnership and its influence on workers’ payment. B.I. KhutyzSpecific features of risk management in agriculture.